Stream international and national films, series and TV shows, or rent current Hollywood productions, spectacular documentaries, exciting documentaries and independent films in HD.
You have access to a library of more than 12,000 titles. Whether comedy series, kid’s films or old classics – you’ll always find what you’re looking for from our broad selection of genres. What you want to watch is available whenever you want it on your smart TV, computer, tablet or smartphone, and you can watch on up to five devices.
We’ve made entertainment even easier for you. Pantaflix makes streaming as easy as watching TV. Just watch.
How can I rent series and films?
1. To watch our premium content, you need to log in or register a new account. This can be done quickly through the app.
2. Simply click on the title of your choice and the in-app purchase automatically starts the payment process.
3. You naturally only pay for what you watch. On Pantaflix you pay per movie or per episode, can stream in HD and can download your favorites to your mobile devices and watch them on the go.
4. For every purchased title, you have 30 days to click on “Watch now.” After that, you have 48 hours to watch your personal highlight through to the end.
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